Birch Aquarium Sea Turtle Eco Youth Tee

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This t-shirt is both fashionable and sensible and is a tee you can feel good about! Each garment is made with a minimum of 6.5 plastic bottles, helping eliminate waste and conserving our natural resources (1.94 gallons of water and 1.05 kilowatt hours of electricity compared to a normal union dyed tee). This piece is printed using 100% water-based ink, with low impact dyes and finishes and a natural enzyme wash for softness and reduced shrinkage in our partner's eco-efficient print shop.
  • 5.3 oz RecycledSoftTM (60% Cotton/40% Recycled Polyester Made from Plastic Bottles)
Custom Product Type Clothing and Accessories
Partner Credited Name Birch Aquarium Gift Shop
Venue Type Aquarium
Partner Branded Show Partner Branded
Weight (lb) 0.250000

Your purchase today contributes to the care and conservation of all our animals as well as our exhibits and education programing. Thank you for your support!